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From Mamiya Wiki


The MAMIYA wiki currently has 46 articles since April 16th, 2023.

MAMIYA - A Shared Illusion of the World’s End - (世界滅亡共有幻想マミヤ Sekai Metsubou Kyouyuu Gensou Mamiya, lit. Shared Illusion of the World’s Downfall Mamiya) is a Japanese psychological horror doujin visual novel produced by KENKOU LAND (けんこうランド). All art, writing, and programming is done by them.

Whatcha lookin' at back there, Suou? Thinking about your hopeless existence?

Feel free to help out by adding information, screenshots, or anything you can. Some formatting guidelines can be found on the Wiki Guide. Don't be afraid to add new pages for extra info or translations. We welcome multiple translations of content! You can join us on Discord to chat about the game and discuss the Wiki if there's anything you aren't sure about.

On November 30th, 2020, Fruitbat Factory announced they would be publishing the game in English, with an arrival date of Spring 2021. The game was released via Steam on April 30th, 2021, containing FallDown and DownFall's stories, while the finale was still in development. This version was a simultaneous Steam release with its Japanese counterpart.[1]

The story is divided into three parts, FallDown, DownFall, and Doomsday Dreams, all of which consist of multiple routes and endings.

Curious about how to play MAMIYA's story? Which route should you read first? Wanna know the official guidelines for fan etiquette? Please see the About MAMIYA page for more details.

MAMIYA - Complete Collection was released on November 21, 2023. This version of the game contains all three parts of the story and released the finale chapter, Doomsday Dreams, to both English and Japanese players for the first time. A beta version of Doomsday Dreams is available to KENKOU LAND’s patrons through their Pixiv FANBOX.

You wish you could do backflips like MAMIYA!

Recent News

November 22, 2024 - The MAMIYA - Digital Art Book is released.[2]
September 28, 2024 - Fruitbat Factory announces on Twitter that a MAMIYA - Digital Art Book will release on the game's Steam anniversary of November 22nd. [3]
November 21, 2023 - MAMIYA - Complete Collection is released, with Doomsday Dreams available as DLC. [4]
September 21, 2023 - Fruitbat Factory announces on Twitter that DoomsDay Dreams will release on November 21, 2023. A new demo is added on Steam. [5]

The MAMIYA Wiki is part of the Gaming Wiki Network, an affiliation of independently-hosted video game wikis.


  1. Kastel :: Review for Mamiya. "DownFall was released early on, but FallDown is new. Basically, Japanese language players will experience a new title alongside English language players and I think that's very interesting." Steam, Apr. 30, 2021,
  2. "MAMIYA - Digital Art Book." Steam,
  3. Fruitbat factory. @FruitbatFactory. "Our second #TGS2024 announcement - a MAMIYA digital art book is being created! It's planned to release on the MAMIYA Steam anniversary of November 22, featuring character designs, illustrations, sketches and commentary. Wishlist here! #mamiyavn" Twitter, Sep 28, 2024,
  4. "MAMIYA." Steam,
  5. Fruitbat Factory. @FruitbatFactory. "MAMIYA - A Shared Illusion of the World's End, Kenkou Land's dark mystery visual novel, is receiving its final chapter DoomsDay Dreams on November 21! A special new demo is now available on Steam! New key art revealed!" Twitter, Sep 21, 2023,